Was kostet (uns) Live?

Werden gestiegene Produktionskosten und Honorare zur Falle für die ganze Branche?

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"Price explosion causes frustration." "Concert tickets are becoming a luxury item." "The fan falls by the wayside." High ticket prices are the hot topic in the media. Yet they are only the first consequence of rising production costs in all areas. Next, competition will intensify and then more and more audiences will stay away. 
Live concerts are structurally important for the music industry. This is where the majority of sales are generated and the loss of income in other business areas is compensated for. Is the industry slowly threatening to abolish itself if small and medium-sized concerts in particular, and therefore many newcomers, can no longer find a stage? And will fans with a limited budget prefer to spend it on one big concert rather than a handful of smaller ones?
Together with our experts, we shed light on these big questions in the industry from different angles and look for positive trends.