Er­geb­nis­prä­sen­ta­ti­on der Key­chan­ge Be­fra­gung 2024

Location PinTBA

This press conference will present the results of the Keychange Survey 2024, which shows the progress made in terms of diversity and gender equality in the music industry since the last survey in 2021. The study, commissioned by the Reeperbahn Festival and conducted by Kantar, provides an in-depth analysis of developments in the market and focuses on the situation of female managers and junior staff as well as the compatibility of family and career. In addition, qualitative interviews were conducted with leading industry personalities in order to shed light on pressing problems and innovative solutions at first hand. The survey was realised in close cooperation with important industry associations such as GEMA, BDKV, VUT, Berlin Music Commission and BVMI, who actively supported the distribution of the questionnaire.