Neu­ro­di­ver­si­tät im Fokus

Wie können wir neurodivergente Fachkräfte in der Musikindustrie besser unterstützen?

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According to recent estimates, around 20-50% of employees in the creative industry are neurodivergent and neuroscience shows that neurodiverse people are among the most creative minds. With its many creative development opportunities, the music industry offers particularly exciting working conditions for neurodiverse talents. But why is there so little talk about the experiences of neurodivergent professionals in the music industry?

In this panel, neurodivergent professionals from the music industry talk about their strengths, needs and the challenges they face in their careers. They share their experiences of managing their workload and mental health and talk about how the work culture in the music industry can be adapted to better support and nurture neurodivergent talent.