Ehrenamt macht möglich, wo staat­li­che För­de­rung endet

Location PinTBA

In an increasingly complex world, both festivals and state institutions are facing growing challenges. As public funding is limited, volunteer work is of particular importance. Volunteering is the foundation of many festivals and projects that would be impossible to realize without the commitment and dedication of volunteers. This panel will shed light on the indispensable role played by volunteers.

We will talk about how volunteers take on essential tasks in the festival sector and often develop creative, sustainable solutions to overcome the many challenges they face. Whether it's organizing programs, building infrastructure or promoting local culture, volunteers are often the backbone that enables festivals to succeed even with limited resources. Our speakers will share their insights into the work and highlight the specific challenges that volunteers face when working in areas where state funding is insufficient. We also want to discuss how politics, society and business can further support and promote volunteer work in the festival sector.