Schrei nach Liebe? Politisches Engagement in Zeiten des Rechtsrucks
The Beatles and the 1968 movement can hardly be separated, Herbert Grönemeyer has been campaigning for LGTBQI+rights for years, Deichkind drew thousands to the anti-AfD demos this year and in America it is rumoured that Beyoncé and Taylor Swift are supporting Kamala Harris' election campaign. Culture and politics - for as long as we can remember, one has influenced the other and vice versa!We therefore want to address the question of whether celebrities' political statements are more a desire for attention or whether they can really make a difference. At a time when right-wing extremists are winning elections in the first federal states, we would like to discuss whether celebrities not only have the opportunity, but perhaps also an obligation, to become active and support positive social change. We will take a look at how the influence of these personalities can be used to bring about change in politically turbulent times and ask what contribution culture can make to politicising people - and young people in particular. Together, we want to talk about the different approaches and opportunities that arise from the public position of cultural workers, but also about the limits of politicisation with the help of cultural workers. And we want to look at our own possibilities! How can we ourselves participate politically? What opportunities are there to get involved and what can we do in our daily lives to protect our democracy, which is under massive pressure?