Ver­gü­tung, Ver­mes­sung – Ver­sach­li­chung?

Was wir über die Verteilung der Streamingeinnahmen wissen – und was nicht

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At both German and European level, the question of whether the music streaming business is "fair" is now being discussed almost everywhere and by everyone, and if not, what needs to change and why exactly. The fact that a valid database is needed for any adjustments in order to be able to see and take into account the legitimate interests of the various players as objectively as possible has now become generally accepted. However, there are now so many queries and inquiries in circulation that it is difficult to maintain an overview. Which study really helps those involved? Which one will penetrate the interests of DIY artists and entrepreneurial infrastructure equally and in a balanced way? Where can and will what be decided in the end and by whom? And above all: many studies are good, but is it possible to resist the temptation to derive simple solutions from them in the end?