Music WorX '24 – Start-up Pitches

These 4 start-ups want to change the music industry for good

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Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft presents four international start-ups from its Music WorX incubator that have the potential to make a lasting impact on the music industry of tomorrow. What do these start-ups have in common? Big goals and a lot of passion for their idea!

Cataloguer (DK) unites fragmented digital music collections on one platform and offers intuitive tools for better control over your own collection. Visuell (DE) transforms videos into visual-reactive artworks for live performances and projects them directly onto the stage or social media. Trill (PL) connects musicians and industry experts to advance careers and leverage expertise. YMYR (DE) supports local music scenes in reaching their fan communities and tapping into new sources of income. More about Music WorX:…