Die GWVR läuft jetzt - wie bekomme ich mein Geld?

The GWVR is now running - how do I get my money?

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After lengthy preparations, the exploitation of event organisers' rights via GWVR, the event organisers' collecting society, has now begun: Labels and broadcasters pay the event organisers for their live recordings via the GWVR. However, it is not only the large event organisers who receive licence fees, smaller organisers also benefit from this, as online platforms also have to pay the organisers for the mobile phone videos of concerts and other events. But how does this work in practice? How do I get the money I am entitled to from the GWVR? And what other tasks will the GWVR now tackle?

Dr Johannes Ulbricht, Managing Director of the GWVR and legal advisor to the BDKV, together with Stefan Schulz, Managing Director of Convert Media and consultant to the GWVR, provide information on the current status and latest developments.