Kollektiv Studio Rot
Alert notice to all left-wingers, anyone fed up with the left and everyone else in between: here comes Studio Rot (Studio Red). At the start of the year, Lena Schmidt, Jan-Nicholas Vogt and Jean-Philippe Kindler founded their red media collective. Their goal? To create left-wing media content that not only appeals to supporters of the left, but also to those who are (rightly) sceptical of left-wing views and positions. The collective wants to show as many people as possible that they might just be more left-wing than they think. Key to this mission is to move past a left-wing approach to media centred on lecturing and moralising. Away with the dead-serious heavy stuff, bring on the entertainment!
Studio Rot has been operating on Steady since April and is funded entirely through its own community via monthly subscriptions. Proof indeed that podcasts like “Studio Kindler”, “Das Ding ist ... [”The thing is, ...]’’ and “Hi Freaks” are piping hot – red hot, actually. So far, the fledgling collective has hired one permanent staff member, leased a studio and launched several anti-fascist projects. The biggest (and most frequent) compliment that Studio Rot hear is that their content makes the political left palatable again for all those who had previously turned away from it in frustration. And that’s exactly what we’ll be seeing from Anna Bartling, Lena Schmidt, Jean-Philippe Kindler, Simon Slomma and Jan-Nicholas Vogt at this year’s Festival.