Denise Helene Sumi
Denise Sumi is a PhD candidate at the Weibel Research Institute for Digital Cultures at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. She has been working as coordinator for the Digital Solitude programme at Akademie Schloss Solitude, and together with the network realized the festival Fragile Solidarity/Fragile Connections, and the exhibition Our Loves Are Not Only Human. Her current research focuses on artistic projects that test and apply models and uses for existing and future technologies, infrastructures, and networks that are characterized less by separation and exploitation and more by techno-feminist practices of care, embodied forms of connectivity, relational ontologies and urgent challenges, such as what it might mean to live socially and ecologically responsible, sustainable, and joyful lives with technology in a networked world. Sumi is co-editor of On Care. A Journey into the Relational Nature of Artists' Residencies. Her reviews, texts and numerous interviews with artists have been published in Springerin, Camera Austria, Spike Art Quarterly, Medienimpulse, Schloss-Post, and the Solitude Journal, among others. She co-runs Kevin Space, Vienna.