© Wolf-Dietmar Schoepe

Wolf-Dietmar Schoepe

K&E Lawyer for culture & entertainment
Attorney, Partner and Founder

Born 1956 in Essen. 1977-1982 Law studies in Munich and Speyer. Legal clerkship in Munich and Landshut, passing the second state examination in 1986. Wolf-Dietmar Schoepe was admitted to the Munich bar in 1986 and has been advising performing artists and authors as well as entrepreneurs in the music and entertainment business since 1987, in particular promoters, agents, producers (music, stage and film), publishers, etc. In 2009, he acquired the additional qualification as certified copyright and media lawyer. Wolf-Dietmar Schoepe is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Entertainment Lawyers (IAEL) and co-editor of the "Live Entertainment Handbook" published as part of the annual IAEL series in 2011. The Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg regularly invites him as a conference speaker. He is a lecturer for music, event, copyright and media law at the University of Applied Management in Ismaning near Munich and gives lectures for the Association for Pop Culture in Bavaria e.V. at the Bavarian Music Academy.

Image: Wolf-Dietmar Schoepe
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