© Dave Simpson

Dylan Pellett

Independent Music NZ
General Manager

Dylan Pellett has worked across the New Zealand music industry for the last 28 years, in touring, music synchronisation, creative execution, the independent NZ labels Flying Nun Records / Festival Mushroom Records and now over a decade at Independent Music NZ. IMNZ is the trade association for New Zealand independent labels and a member of WIN, the Worldwide Independent Network. IMNZ produces the annual Taite Music Prize and the Going Global NZ conference and has proudly provided assistance and music services to its members for 21 years. In this role, Dylan has been responsible for attending and speaking at international conferences held in various countries (Canada, UK, Brazil, Australia, Chile, France, China, USA and Japan) in order to represent the independent NZ music sector and maintain our creative visibility abroad. Dylan currently serves on the WIN Board, as Australasia Observer.

Image: Dave Simpson
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