Anika Jankowski

Anika Jan­kow­ski

Oh, my music!

Anika Jankowski is a publisher, local promoter and a university lecturer.Anika has a master degree in music management and has worked in different fields of the music industry since 2005. As a local promoter she organises concerts with her own agency, called : “Sunset Mission Konzerte”, where she presents bands like “Sophie Hunger”, “Mighty Oaks”, “Bilderbuch” and “Hundreds”.

In 2012 Anika founded her own publishing company called „Oh, my music“, also based in Saxony. She works with over 65 writers from different genres and regularly organises Songwriting Camps.

Network is Anika`s hobby. She is part of the managing commitee of the national network “music women* germany” and also of the local, saxonian based network “Music S Women*”. Right now Anika is pushing for more gender equality in the music industry and is also trying to implement a local pop office in Saxony.

Image: Anika Jankowski
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