Po­li­ti­sche Kon­flik­te und die Freiheit der Kunst

Handlungsansätze für sicherere Diskussionsräume in der Veranstaltungswirtschaft

Location PinTBA

"This is covered by artistic freedom" - or is it?

What is art allowed to do at a time when our society is facing numerous challenges and social tipping points - how do we make our events safe havens for open and inclusive discourse?

This panel aims to provide festival and cultural organizers with practical approaches to create safer spaces for socio-political discourse and encourage democratic dialogue far from stigmatizing cancel culture. What strategies are there for integrating a broad spectrum of voices while promoting a respectful and constructive culture of debate?

Together with Popkultur Berlin curator Christian Morin, academic, activist and artist Lady Bitch Ray and Martin "Eule" Eulenhaupt from the Fusion Festival, topics such as freedom of expression, setting boundaries, the balance of legal frameworks and dealing with possible headwinds will be discussed.