Musik als Wirt­schafts­fak­tor - wis­sen­schaft­lich messbar?

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Did you know that cows produce more milk and people feel safer at train stations at night when they listen to classical music? Music research is immensely important as it helps us to understand how and why music has such profound effects.

A striking example of studying the influence of music on human behavior is the investigation of the effects of background music in retail settings. How exactly does it influence consumer behavior and sales? And is this scientifically verifiable? GEMA carried out the “Music Impact Study” to assess the added value generated by commercial music users through the use of background music. This study was conducted directly at the point of sale in retail businesses.

Our experts Johannes Everding (Director of Business Development, GEMA), Prof Dr Klemens Knoeferle (Scientist, BI Norwegian Business School), Stephan Dewes (Program Director of the music concept provider echion AG), and Matthias Grund (Service Line Leader Customer Experience, market research institute Ipsos GmbH) will discuss insights from the study, scientific methods, and exciting background knowledge from music research.

Anticipate in-depth insights from various perspectives and seize the opportunity to exchange ideas with our experts by asking your questions. We look forward to seeing you!