Ac­ces­si­bi­lity At European Fes­ti­vals

From a burden to a fun multisensory experience!

Location PinTBA

Accessibility at festivals in the cultural sector, and actually in the entire world, is still a challenge for many of us, and it is often seen as a costly burden for cultural organisations. If you recognize yourself in this, we invite you to join a transformative journey with Revelland: a network of creatives from across Europe committed to explore a new approach of accessibility. Festivals like Sziget, Roskilde, and ESNS, together with musicians, sensory experts, inclusion boards, and immersive designers, got united to discover and design inclusive live music shows through immersive experiences.
In this session, participants are invited to shift their perception on accessibility and can expect some tips on how to creatively put accessibility into action: through immersive and multisensory event planning as well as concrete advice that participants will be able to exercise right away when they get back home.
Let’s work together on a music world where Creative Accessibility is the norm, and where accessibility adds value and brings great surprise to everyone, whether regular concert-goers or people who are unable to hear or fully comprehend what’s happening on stage.
More info: