The spectrum in which Esteban Ruiz and José Pérez have been operating with their project, I AM DIVE, for well over ten years seems to know no bounds. Whether it’s touching indie folk, as on their debut EP, “Drafts, Demos & Summer” (2010), or enriching it with washed-out dream-pop and shoegaze, as on their first studio album, “Ghostwoods”, the duo from Seville succeed time and again in creating songs of improbable grace and depth. Most recently, they attracted attention with their EP “Kriegszeit” (2019) and the spacey ambient soundtrack “Music For Silent Running” (2017), which works just as well as background music for Douglas Trumbull’s sci-fi classic as it does for a summer night under a crystal-clear starry sky. In any case, the music of I AM DIVE expresses – indeed, almost conjures up – the experience of boundlessness and weightlessness. In order to understand how intense these experiences can be, as the saying goes: You’ll have to experience it for yourself. In September. With us.