With a sound blend combining jazz, funk and progressive rock elements, Gilipojazz have recently developed into an outstanding fusion combo on the Spanish music scene. Virtuoso improvisation alternates with playful arrangements by the trio from Madrid, rhythmically complex yet melodious and full of power. The debut ‘¿Dónde está el Jazz?’ (2022) marked the start of a career rarely seen in musical evolution of this kind - and is reminiscent of the adventurous breaks in style from London's highly vital jazz scene of recent years. Gilipojazz blend technical prowess with catchy harmonies that unveil new details with every listen. Last year, the three consummate musicians released their second album ‘Iker ya no me debe un café’ (2023), impressively demonstrating how they still have plenty of unconventional ideas up their sleeves and are certainly no flash in the pan of fusion music. Real cult potential is definitely on the cards here.