Porträt von Siggi
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Hyped & New

Taking a clear stance against marginalisation and conservatism, against obsolete gender roles and the stink of the bourgeoisie – that’s what Siggi stands for with songs such as “Halt dein Maul” (“shut your mouth”). But the singer–songwriter isn’t interested in being desperately “anti”. Instead, he creates clever numbers that lie somewhere between indie and rap, between pop and versatile songwriting of the latest school. It’s hardly surprising that he has already been able to score some decent airplay on resourceful radio stations in recent months, although he is still recommended as a fairly fresh insider tip. Be that as it may, the likeable street poet writes such clever and multi-layered lyrics that some people in Germany have dared to make comparisons with Betterov. That doesn’t quite do him justice, but a nice compliment surely never hurt anyone. What’s more, Siggi’s debut EP, “Blum”, can be seen as the unmistakable starting signal of a long and prosperous career.

Image: Porträt von Siggi
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