© Paulie Moore
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Location PinTBA
Location PinTBA
Big & Intense

Polymoon string together climax after climax after climax in their works as if the group were setting a day-long ayahuasca trip to music that winds up as a metaphysical odyssey from the smallest quantum space to the largest star nebulae. The quintet from Tampere, Finland, seem to be made up of magicians who view their instruments as tools of ritual rapture, and they formulate songs like magic spells. On their brilliant debut album, “Caterpillars Of Creation” (2020), they combine sprawling space-rock scenarios with psychedelic excesses and merge progressive song structures with extraterrestrial effect bombardments of the highest calibre. The album was a sonorous bang for the cult label Svart, but also for the Finnish metal scene as a whole. Since then, Polymoon have become an authority throughout Europe, delivering a congenial follow-up with last year’s “Chrysalis” (2023) and further perfecting the highly idiosyncratic formula of their sound. At their concerts, the band are able to present this sound cosmos in all its splendour, which is by no means an easy feat. In fact, the last time prog and space were this close was probably in the early seventies. So, it’s high time to bring this love affair back to full bloom – now in September.

Image: Paulie Moore
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Currently looking for the following representation:
Booking:Zoltan Jakab / Doomstar Bookings / World
Management:Erin Lynch / Flying Fox Ab / World