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mary in the junkyard

Location PinTBA
Dance & Step
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Dreams of big waves and butterfly cocoons that keep coming back and smell like freshly mown grass: That’s how mary in the junkyard’s songs build up in the mind’s eye. The trio from London play unconventional art rock with a surreal touch that is reminiscent of legends from the last few decades in terms of vocals and songwriting – from Mazzy Star to Blonde Redhead and Big Thief. However, mary in the junkyard play in an elite league of young bands from London’s vibrant music scene who manage to combine the best of the past with fresh ideas from the present. On this year’s debut EP, “This Old House”, the three impressively demonstrate just that and have already mapped out a broad field of future musical ideas with which they are sure to transfix their small but loyal fanbase with something akin to euphoria and trance. Exactly what that feels like can be experienced here in September.

Currently looking for the following representation:
Booking:Germany, Europe
Sync, Press, Radio, General Promo, Fanbase cultivation:Germany, Europe