© Moritz Helmle
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Location PinTBA
Small & Intimate

Making music is a kind of cathartic process for Jule Gelhar, who – under the alias Jule – is preparing to throw all the clichés of conventional female singer–songwriters overboard. A bit of punk as well as influences from rap and indie make the six songs on her debut EP, “Im Regio weinen”, into small, zeitgeisty surveys of the status quo in an era wrought with turmoil and confusion. In so doing, she repeatedly spans the arc from society as a whole to the absolutely personal, finding fresh approaches to the urgent questions of our frantic standstill, which we as people of the 21st century can’t help but perceive as stressful. The Hamburg native captures this spirit, relentlessly describing the current phase of life without drowning in resignation. A feat that is not to be taken for granted. If you want to see how it’s done, come to St Pauli in September.

Image: Moritz Helmle
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