Collective Empowerment | Von feministischen Musikkollektiven lernen
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Collec­tive Em­power­ment | Von fe­mi­nis­ti­schen Mu­sik­kol­lek­ti­ven lernen

Location PinTBA

In a world that often confronts us with seemingly insurmountable social challenges, collectives, especially in the arts and culture sector, offer valuable new perspectives for exchange and mutual support. They allow us to learn from each other and together develop a stronger capacity for action that not only ensures our survival, but also enables real change. This is why the panel is seeking dialogue with those involved in (feminist) music collectives. These collectives not only advocate for more visibility and change, but also use the power of community to strengthen and empower themselves. What role do collectives play in this process? What challenges do they face and how can we overcome them together? Where can we find hope and which goals are worth fighting for? By exploring strategies and success stories together, we will raise awareness of the specific challenges FLINTA* face in the music industry and the hugely important work behind this commitment. The panel will be moderated by Tarah-Tanita Truderung (she/her), social scientist, social worker, educator and activist.
The panel is curated by Act Aware, a non-profit organization dedicated to anti-discrimination and awareness at events. Act Aware implements the awareness concept at the Reeperbahn Festival, working in collaboration with the festival organizers to create a safer and more inclusive environment for all attendees.