A sound that is a true product of its time: Bracco were born out of the darkness of sweaty clubs, cleansed in the waters of experimental music, and singed in the fires of classic rock music. With their industrial sound creations, the French duo create an utterly unreal atmosphere that needs to be explored. First in 2019, on “Grave”, and then in 2022, on “Dromonia”, Loren and Baptiste swim upstream towards a nameless vision. With their sizzling live shows, however, they have established a name for themselves that is making more and more waves both in France and here in Germany. A bit of Nitzer Ebb in the beat patterns, a touch of Daughters in the arrangements, and sometimes, it’s as if the ghost of John Balance had stepped up to the mic again. Bracco are a duo without dogmas and are immune to fast-moving hypes because the musicians don’t even recognise them. However, their gigs could soon trigger considerable hype themselves.