With a quotable sound that takes many cues from legends of psychedelic rock from the late 1970s to the British garage rock revival of the early 2000s, BÆNCH have carved out their own little niche in the Danish music scene. Equipped with a nose for progressive arrangements that lie somewhere between visceral guitars, spherical synthesisers, and complex drum figures, on their debut album, “Presence Of Everything” (2022), the quartet follow the motto, “Thoughts are free – who can guess what they are?” In any case, hardly anything is predictable here, song after song. Instead, ideas are formulated like dramatic short films and are driven to ever-new auditory climaxes. This is particularly clear in the album’s almost-ten-minute-long title track, in which BÆNCH showcase all the qualities of their songwriting. This spring, “Skipped A Step” was released – the first new sign of life after a two-year dry spell that set the bar considerably high for the group’s upcoming second album. Fans of modern psychedelic and progressive rock music can look forward to a brilliant preview at their concert with us in Hamburg.