
Stephan Dewes

echion Corporate Communication AG
Leiter strategische Programmentwicklung

The 56-year-old native of Saarland has been doing radio for over 30 years. In 2005, he found his way to Augsburg via several private radio stations in Saarland and Baden-Württemberg to echion Corporate Communication AG, which today broadcasts audio and video content in more than 20 European countries with over 20,000 playout systems.
From media concepts to hardware and installation to quality-assured content creation and maintenance, echion Mediagroup offers pioneering full-service media services for chain retailers.
In his almost 20-year echion history, Dewes and his team of radio professionals and music editors have developed the foundations for numerous in-store music formats for a wide variety of industries.
Since 2017, Stephan Dewes has been advising program and advertising customers on how to improve the strategic benefits of in-store music in conjunction with infotainment and advertising content.

Image: echion
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