Sarah Jane Ni­chol­son

Paradise Worldwide | Africa Rising Music Conference
Managing Director

Sarah Jane Nicholson stands at the vanguard of the music industry, driving the evolution of African music on a global scale. As the Managing Director of Paradise Worldwide (Africa), she champions the development of a seamless, transparent infrastructure for revenue collection. This ensures that African artists and labels maintain their independence, with revenue collection and accounting backed by a robust framework for long-term vision, knowledge exchange and revenue growth.
Nicholson is passionate about laying the groundwork for a more equitable and accessible music industry
and about developing independent African artists. At the heart of Nicholson's vision is an executive development program, brought to life via the Africa Rising Music Conference (ARMC), aimed at equipping African music executives with the skills and insights needed to excel on the world stage. This initiative reflects her commitment to nurturing leadership within the industry and fostering a global network of knowledgeable and empowered professionals.
Collaboration is the cornerstone of Nicholson's philosophy. Through her work with Paradise Worldwide (Africa) and ARMC, she emphasizes the importance of partnership and collective effort in achieving common goals. Her efforts are dedicated to building bridges within the music community, ensuring that
African music and its creators receive the recognition and success they deserve on an international platform. In leading these initiatives, Nicholson is not just shaping the future of African music but also redefining what's possible in the global music industry through innovation, collaboration, and a relentless drive for improvement.

Image: SJN
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