© Benjakon

Gereon Klug

A&R Manager

Gereon Klug invented songs such as ‘Leider Geil’ (Deichkind) and claims such as ‘Zum Scheissen reicht's’, published the Studio Braun work exhibition ‘Drei Farben Braun’, which weighed tonnes, and invented the first cookbook that could be cooked in, which won design awards from New York to London and Cannes. He writes here, but not there, and boasts that he has already published in ‘brand eins’, ‘Die Zeit’, ‘Spex’, ‘titanic’, ‘Handelsblatt’ and ‘Kicker’. He is also the only person Harry Rowohlt has translated from German into English (and not the other way round). In 2018, his musical ‘Der König der Möwen’ with Andreas Dorau was a great success in Hamburg. Klug founded the specialist music business ‘Hanseplatte’, whose newsletter (written under the pseudonym Hans E. Platte) enjoys cult status and was even published in book form as ‘Low Fidelity’. His humour and music expertise led to the ZEIT column ‘Klug weiss es’. His podcast ‘Auf der Bahn’ with Rocko Schamoni ran for 2 seasons on Audible, which led to the 4-part series ‘Rocko Schamoni Supershow’, in which Gereon Klug shone as an actor. Two parts of Klug's ‘Wunderland’ children's book series in co-operation with the Hamburg Miniaturwunderland were published by Carlsen. Gereon Klug already had a record label and collects vinyl like other people collect psychoses. His new book ‘Die Nachteile von Menschen’ was published in autumn 2023. He can be booked as a bit-part actor, reader, think tank and factotum - he spices up all activities to perfection.

Image: Benjakon
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