Bruno Kramm
In 1984, at the age of 17, Bruno developed his first computer game on a Commodore 64, earning the prestigious "Golden Diskette" from CHIP Magazine. Five years later, he established one of Germany's first alternative music labels and toured across Europe, the USA, Russia, and Asia with his band Das Ich. As a music producer, Bruno managed numerous successful productions from behind the mixing desk. An expert in copyright law, collection societies, and artists' rights in the digital age, he served not only as an advisor to the Pirate Party but also held significant roles such as the regional chairperson in Berlin, the political managing director in Bavaria, and a candidate for both the European and German federal elections.
Bruno has spoken at events like re:publica, IAA, Berlin Music Days, the Leipzig Book Fair, DJV Conference, Google Collaboratory, Wikimedia Foundation, AI Observatory BMAS, ITT, and Big O Data World. From 2012 to 2013, he contributed as a columnist for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). He actively participated in the TTIP Stakeholder Meeting in Washington, addressing concerns over the insufficient integration of digital consumer protection in the free trade agreement.
As the speaker of the AI Association in Eastern Germany and the leader of the Cultural AG, Bruno connects SMEs, politics, and AI startups, working to mitigate societal concerns about AI through creative projects. He was recognized by Labor Minister Hubertus Heil in the BMAS-organized competition "Together in AI," receiving accolades for his AI music project, PaRoO, and also clinched third place with his team at the esteemed Hugo Junkers Award in Saxony-Anhalt.
Bruno is the founder of Infinite AI Audio GmbH, where he oversees the development and marketing of the open-source AIoT platform infinimesh and AI applications like the Audio Recognition Framework. Together with Dr. Tristan Behrens, he developed an AI Midi model for generating music compositions.