Tips for Festival Saturday
It’s been an unforgettable week of music, insights, and celebration, but we still have plenty in store. From M¥SS KETA's energetic set at Grosse Freiheit 36 to the soulful sounds of Parra for Cuva and TAYLA PARX, today's performances will close out the festival with a bang.
NESS: 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm, Docks
wavvyboi: 9:10 pm - 10:10 pm, Docks
M¥SS KETA: 9:25 pm - 10:25 pm, Grosse Freiheit 36
Parra for Cuva: 9:30 pm – 11 pm, Uebel & Gefährlich – Ballsaal
KABEAUSHÉ: 9:50 pm - 10:50 pm, Mojo Club
Kasi: 1o pm – 11 pm, Spielbude XL
Kiasmos: 11:30 pm - 00:55 am, Docks
Buntspecht: 11:35 pm - 00:35 am, Gruenspan
Kate Nash: 11:35 pm- 00:50 am, Grosse Freiheit 36
Yamê: 11:50 pm - 00:30 am, Mojo Club
Reeperbahn Festival Collide live in Concert – soffie: Entry 4:30 pm, show start 5:30 pm, Georg Elser Halle
Reeperbahn Festival Collide live in Concert – TAYLA PARX: Entry 9:30 pm, show start 10:30 pm, Georg Elser Halle
Arts & Word
30 Tage Lust: 6 pm - 7:30 pm, 3001 Kino
Parshad: 6:15 pm - 7 pm, Imperial Theater
Said Etris Hashemi | Der Tag, an dem ich sterben sollte: 5 pm – 5:45 pm, Imperial Theater
Szene Report: 3 pm – 4:20 pm, 3001 Kino
Yousef Iskandar | Queer Souls: 9 am – 10 pm, Festival Village / Arts Playground
Jamie Lüders: 9 am - 10:00 am, Festival Village / Arts Playground
This Town: 4:30 pm - 5:50 pm, 3001 Kino
re:publica: Parallelgesellschaft Polizei - Über systematischen Machtmissbrauch in Uniform: 1 pm – 2 pm, Festival Village / Neo House
re:publica: Meetup für Medienschaffende mit Migrations- und Fluchtgeschichte: 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm, Festival Village / Acoustic Stage