© Diana Vos

Sur­vey on gen­der equa­li­ty in the mu­sic in­dus­try

As part of the international Keychange movement, we are launching a survey for the third time to analyse gender equality in the German music market and highlight developments in equality and diversity in recent years. The survey aims to diversify the music industry and bring about sustainable change in the sector. This time, the focus is particularly on female managers and young talent and highlights the compatibility of family and career. For the first time, we will also look at developments and progress since the last association survey in 2021. We will also conduct qualitative interviews to get a deeper understanding of the existing problems and possible solutions. 

As music professionals and industry representatives, we invite you to complete the online questionnaire (German only) by 26 July. The participation takes about 15 minutes.  

The survey is being conducted by the renowned market research company KANTAR and made possible by the support of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Claudia Roth.  

We look forward to your participation and would like to thank everyone who takes part in advance!