Apply here to take part in a mentoring session

Back­ground in­­­for­­ma­­ti­on about the for­­mat

Since 2006, Hamburg's Reeperbahn has become the centre of the international music world for four days in September and thus the interface between artists, audience and industry representatives. The Reeperbahn Festival Conference in particular offers industry professionals an extensive programme of sessions with panels, talks, interviews and workshops, as well as numerous networking opportunities. In order to make even better use of this potential and to offer delegates the opportunity to go even deeper into certain topics in addition to the session programme, we have launched our new Mentoring Sessions format this year.

In the Mentoring Sessions, an expert on a certain topic meets up to five delegates. In 60 minutes, the participants can ask all their questions, get to know the expert and other delegates and exchange experiences and knowledge.

Thematically, all relevant sub-sectors of the music industry will be covered in the Mentoring Sessions. Topics from the areas of recorded music, publishing, sync, live entertainment & marketing will be dealt with, with a special focus on forward-looking and socially relevant topics.

Ap­p­­li­­ca­­ti­on pro­­cess

The regular registration for the mentoring sessions is closed. If you are very interested in a session, please contact:

Specify the mentor, day and time of the session. Please also include your role/company and 3 questions you would like to ask in the email.

Participation can no longer be guaranteed.


We are looking forward to the festival and the many exciting encounters!