

Our initiative for diversity and sustainability in the music industry.

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Keychange is a movement and network that supports talented, underrepresented genders with training, mentoring and international contacts as well as performance and presentation opportunities at partner festivals. As Reeperbahn Festival, we are a founding member and advocate for a 50/50 genderequality pledge for festivals and music organizations worldwide.   

Learn what you can do to support the movement here

Porträt Alice Phoebe Lou
« It gives me hope that a movement like Keychange exists. In an industry that has always been dominated by men, from labels to opportunities for musicians, I'm so happy I get to be alive to witness the tides changing as we work towards a world where underrepresented genders are equally heard and celebrated. I embrace this opportunity to learn from everyone championing this important movement and to take part in creating awareness around the importance of equal opportunity. »
Alice Phoebe Lou
Porträt von Alli Neumann

Keychange Inspiration Award 2024

The Keychange Inspiration Award honours and celebrates people who have made an extraordinary and pioneering contribution to music and are role models for the next generation and for the Keychange network of talented artists and industry professionals. As Keychange partner Reeperbahn Festival now selected this years national Inspiration Award winner.


Congratulations to: Alli Neumann!  


‘I'm happy about any platform that draws attention to the fact that there is still a lot of work to be done in the music industry to achieve equity. Keychange helps to create awareness and representation for gender diverse artists.' - Alli Neumann (Pop artist)


More information at

Stu­dies on gen­der equa­li­ty in the mu­sic in­dus­try

With a large-scale market research study funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM), we have examined the gender distribution in the submarkets of German music culture and the music industry as part of the Keychange initiative. For the first time, we are also looking at the relevance of gender equality on the use of music services from the perspective of consumers. 


Pressefoto ÄTNA
« It is long overdue that those discriminated receive the same opportunities as privileged people. And 2022, there is still a lot to do before equality is achieved in the music business. That's why we support Keychange's work on this very thing. We are excited and look forward to stimulating discussions, exchanges with other open minded people in the music business and hope to change things for the better . »
Inéz & Demian (ÄTNA)