Porträt von O.
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Location PinTBA
Dance & Step

Want a weird start to the day? Then Joe Henwood and Tash Keary have something for you. The London duo consisting of a baritone saxophonist and a drummer follow a completely unconventional formula in creating their own sound. Art punk and dub crash into blast beats and riffy bass lines, and electrified experimentation marries distorted sax sounds and complex drum patterns. The result is easily distinguishable from every other random band in a fraction of a second. It’s metal and jazz at the same time. What’s also refreshing is that O. didn’t drop any half-baked singles for years before finally offering a few tracks such as “Green Shirt” and “Micro” as a teaser and following them up with a full album with an ironic cover design almost without warning. This group have no need to go out of their way to get anyone’s attention. This also applies to their live shows, which are so intense that audience members frequently break a sweat have even been known to strip bare. If you want to see them in September, you’d better not dress too warmly.

Image: Porträt von O.
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