© Julio Cordey
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Jesper Munk

Location PinTBA
Established & Beloved

Underestimated and underchallenged, Jesper Munk began his career as a bassist and backing vocalist in a school band - just before taking his final school exams. He taught himself to play the guitar back then, and was born and blessed with a great voice. After leaving school, he released his first full-length album and it promptly became a sensation for the German-Dane, who, after "For In My Way It Lies" (2013) and no later than his second album "Claim" (2015), held the title of Germany's best crooner. Munk's meteoric rise is due less to social media mobilisation than to his unique vocal prowess. His off-the-cuff repertoire ranges from thumping rock'n'roll and blues standards to sensual soul and jazz, which he loosens up with a balanced dose of pop appeal on his latest album "Taped Heart Sounds" (2022). Munk now blends his raspy voice and falsetto, musical sophistication and catchiness with greater virtuosity than ever before. He discovered himself and his style once he stopped searching.

Image: Julio Cordey
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