© Moritz von Bergen
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Location PinTBA
Hyped & New

Edb knows all about the ups and downs of life. The singer–songwriter from Bern creates quasi-biographical narratives with his music, which can deal with the longing for love as well as with the major hurdles that lie on the path to self-acceptance. With his debut EP, “City Boy”, which was released this spring, the songwriter – also known to his peers as Eddy – delivers an enormously successful soundtrack for the coming-of-age film we call life. With the reassurance that everything is somehow all right the way it is, Edb provides comfort in an increasingly bleak world. Dialectical lyrics, danceable upbeat melodies, and genre collages of rock, rap, and pop come together with this thoroughbred musician and reveal parts of a soul that has a hell of a lot to tell.

Image: Moritz von Bergen
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Currently looking for the following representation:
Booking:Schweiz / Deutschland / Österreich
Management:Schweiz / Deutschland / Österreich