Von Bad Deals, Streaming Mythen und Two-Sided-Markets

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In this session, you'll learn why most advertising budgets seem to go up in smoke…

"I’m a musician and I'm about to release a new single. I'd like to start a small campaign to get more streams." This is a common type of inquiry to music marketing agencies or freelancers these days.

In most cases, there is a significant gap between the monetary value of the streams achieved and the amount spent. The value of streams varies depending on the streaming service, country, release day, freemium or premium status, exchange rates, distribution or label deals, and so on. And do you perhaps also use Discovery Mode?

We ask the question: What the hell are you paying for?! – or in other words, why should one spend several times the potential streaming earnings on campaigns? How can values such as reach, visibility, and interactions be reasonably monetized, and when does it make sense to really invest?

This session is a broad critique of pointless marketing actions without a sustainable goal. In the first part of the session, Nicolaj and Verena from the music marketing agency Dunstan Media will investigate common marketing practices and their actual value for artists' careers. In the second part of the session, two additional experts will join to share their practical experiences and the resulting pros and cons of digital marketing opportunities related to music streaming.