T.ree Showcase

Location PinTBA

The T.ree Showcase will be performed jointly by two outstanding teams of artists from TONALiSTEN and 15 young people from the T.ree project from all over Germany. The two acts will focus on the topics of diversity / shaping a pluralistic society and abuse of power in the music scene / music education.

The acts deal with the following questions: What happens in secret behind the stage or in the classroom? How can we empower people to speak out against abuses? Does life in diversity remain a grand utopia or can we sketch it out in the artistic space? How do we want to shape a pluralistic society?

The acts come together to form an experimental space for creative interactions in which sound, space and film productions are presented, individual ways of thinking are questioned and new formats are tried out. In addition to live music, performances, original compositions and electronic soundscapes, there will also be a ‘Utopia’ studio!
