SUSTAIN! Nach­hal­tig­keit als fi­nan­zi­el­ler Vorteil?!

Von FKP Scorpio, FC St. Pauli und Rügenwalder Mühle: ciao business as usual!

Location PinTBA

What costs more: saving the world or business as usual? Is it possible to evaluate the success of a company beyond turnover and financial key figures? Can a fairer economy prosper, and can greater sustainability lead to higher profits?

This interactive fishbowl discussion features experts from business and culture who will explore these questions and provide insights into practical solutions. The audience can actively participate in the discussion by contributing input to the panel.

The discussion will be moderated by climate journalist Louisa Schneider. Stephan Thanscheidt (FKP Scorpio, CEO), Franziska Altenrath (FC St. Pauli, Head of Strategy, Change & Sustainability), Dr. Katharina Reuter (Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft e.V., Managing Director), and Claudia Hauschild (Head of Corporate Communications & Sustainability Management, Rügenwalder Mühle) will be taking part as panel guests.

This session was curated by the team behind SUSTAIN! – Green Culture Summit.