re:publica: OVA - Audio Visual Per­for­man­ce

Location PinTBA

"OVA" is an audio-visual performance exploring binary codes, natural patterns, and creation through theories of cyberfeminism and glitch feminism. It critiques the tension between technology and nature, using the ovum as a metaphor for the challenges of merging digital and organic realms.

"OVA“ explores binary codes, natural patterns, and creation, critiquing the digital-natural tension. The ovum symbolizes potential and life's genesis, embodying cyberfeminism, glitch feminism and tech-nature integration. It reveals clashes between biological and technological processes, disrupting organic fluidity with binary rigidity. Glitches highlight identity reimaginings, questioning tech's role in natural systems without commodifying them. "OVA“ challenges the interconnectedness of digital and natural realms, urging reflection on tech's impact through feminist perspectives in an audio-visual performance through a visualization of glitched images of organics, bodies and technological compontents such as data-sets.

In reference to „Glitch Feminism – A manifesto“ by Legacy Russell: „One is not born, but rather becomes, a body. And one is not born, but rather becomes, a glitch. The glitch-becoming is a process, a consensual diaspora toward multiplicity that arms us as tools, carries us as devices, sustains us as technology, while urging us to persist, survive, stay alive.“