In­no­va­tions in the music industry

creating equal opportunities through social entrepreneurship

Location PinTBA
Invitation only

This invitation only workshop for Keychange Participants and Alumnis is designed to explore and shape the future of the music industry. We will begin with a warm welcome and grounding session led by Domanique Grant, where participants will introduce themselves and share their work, setting the stage for a collaborative environment.

The workshop will feature a dynamic panel discussion with industry leaders Domanique Grant, Rachel Weldon, and Charlie Wall-Andrews. They will share their insights on the latest innovations in the music industry, providing a foundation for our subsequent discussions.

Participants will then break into focused working groups, each led by one of our experts:

  • Innovative Programming and Community Engagement in Music with Rachel Weldon: Explore new strategies for engaging communities through innovative programming.
  • Social Entrepreneurship in the Field of Music with Domanique Grant: Discuss how social entrepreneurship can drive positive change in the music industry.
  • Empowering Artists through Creative Entrepreneurship Programs with Charlie Wall-Andrews: Learn how to empower artists by fostering creative entrepreneurship.

The session will conclude with a Q&A and wrap-up, allowing participants to reflect on the insights shared and discuss next steps for implementing these innovations in their work.