Infodesk: Mental Health Meets Music Industry

Location PinTBA

How can you support artists with performance anxiety or a shitstorm? What helps teams to prevent stress and burnout? And what can clubs and festivals do for the mental health of their visitors and employees?
At the “Mental Health” info desk, experts from various initiatives who are committed to mental health in the music industry will be on hand to offer you advice and support. Each initiative offers different approaches and resources to support artists and industry professionals. At the stand, you will have the opportunity to find out more about the services on offer, talk directly to representatives of the initiatives and take away valuable information material. Take this opportunity to find out about important support services and make a contribution to a healthier music business!
With us are:
Anne Löhr - Music Industry Psychologist (MITC)
Erich Joseph - Mental health in Clubs (Clubcommission)
Felix Gebauer - Mental Rave Network
Lea Breuer - Themis