HEMI Re­cep­ti­on

Location PinTBA

HEMI is the Hub for the Exchange of Music InnovaOon, a European iniOaOve aiming at supporOng arOsts and music professionals from Central and Southeastern Europe (CSEE). Running the last year of the iniOaOve, we can conclude that it has been a great success. Hundreds of bands applied to the program that has helped arOsts by an extensive mentor program and invitaOons to showcase and other fesOvals.

Developed as a cluster, HEMI partnership includes public and private organizaOons, associaOons, fesOval and conference organizers, export offices and a music business school. Co-funded by the CreaOve Europe program of the European Union, our vision is to trademark Central and Southeastern European Music CreaOvity.