A series of mind-bending singles has seen Zacharias Zachrisson's project Yikes become a hotly sought-after act all over Sweden. With a visceral sound design straight out of the early 90s, trenchant punk lyrics and crazy beat patterns, the Stockholm-based songwriter is pushing forward hard and getting support from two people who know this turn: Pelle Gunnerfeldt, whose work as a producer for Refused and The Hives has made him a household name, and DJ Haydn, who has already collaborated with Deki Alem and Stella Explorer. The debut EP ‘Yikes’ (2023) already scored big as far as non-conformist club music goes, but was topped several months later with the singles ‘Untitled #13’ and ‘Forever Boy’. The punk scene and club culture merge in this sound to spawn something that ravers on this side of the Baltic Sea have long been waiting for. The trio's live gigs are recommended in true style, sweatbands required - it could get very hot.