With the energy of an out-of-control steamroller, DyatloV have been making the Canary Islands and the Spanish mainland unsafe for a few years now. The duo – consisting of Carlos and Deborah – celebrate a relentless DIY spirit and forge track after track on their own with a few added production tricks. Their debut, “Invitados en Número Perturbador” (2021), with its pulsating mix of electro-industrial acid techno and massively pissed-off vocals, has already made it abundantly clear where DyatloV’s journey is heading: towards a dystopian future à la “Blade Runner”, which some believe is becoming increasingly likely. In their darkest moments, this duo provide the perfect soundtrack for endless club nights in old power stations with the sweat of dancers still clinging to the walls. But it’s not all doom and gloom with DyatloV. On the contrary: Their lyrics and sound may be gloomy, but the duo speak of empowerment and the will to take your life into your own hands. And isn’t that what it’s all about in the end?