The sure-fire recipe for contemporary pop music? Lots are searching for it, some think they've found it. Others do their thing and then realise that there's just no such thing. On this year's debut EP ‘Kreise ziehen’, Florian Czeslaw instead comes to life in six songs of improbable intimacy and independence. Deadpan vocals, not exactly something you'd expect from a German pop lyricist, are melded with driving techno beats, spherical synthesizers and goosebump-inducing melodies. It's a sound that is born of the big city and can only grow in it, with it and through it. In a rhythmic frenzy, Czeslo addresses themes of heartache and urban alienation, of isolation and relationships in constant states of flux. Stories written by life, music that accompanies them and becomes a soundtrack to profound memories. An unforgettable experience, especially live.