Three entirely different biographies, three vastly different women - but a musical vision that brings them together. BLUAI are an all-female trio from Antwerp who caused a storm in Belgium last year in particular. In the space of just a few months, Catherine, Caitlin and Mo landed the country's three biggest music prizes: from Humo's Rock Rally to the Sound Track Contest and De Nieuwe Lichting by Studio Brussel. And their debut album ‘Save It For Later’ only came out this spring. It's an album akin to a Polaroid picture, with hints of country pop and indie folk and a heart of Americana, and was put in the hands of renowned producer Tobie Speleman. The brief was short and to the point: ‘Nashville Tuning’. Given the mind movie that this song material evokes, ranging from old ranches, wide open plains and nostalgic coming-of-age films in sepia tones, the result can probably also be deemed a success. A trio we'll doubtlessly be hearing a lot more from - starting with their gig in Hamburg.