Betti Kruse
Betti Kruse is very busy. Indeed, the Hamburg native is preparing to usher in a new era of German-language beat music almost single-handedly. Anyone listening to this year’s debut EP, “Für alles gibt’s ne Lösung”, is sure to quickly realise that her plan is actually working. Betti reunited with multi-instrumentalist and producer Taco van Hettinga in 2022 after a break due to the pandemic and recorded wonderfully laid-back songs such as “Wie der Wind” and “Alles hat seine Zeit”, whose title (meaning “everything has its time”) is the name of the game on several levels. Reminiscences of the heydays of James Last’s easy listening sound come to mind, but echoes of Hildegard Knef and the confidently grooving guitars of the Motown era also resound through the ear and make you want to have a coffee in the city park. The German chanson hit now has a new ambassador, perhaps its first in this form.