© eivind hansen
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Location PinTBA
Hyped & New
Heavy Metal
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If you want to satirise contemporary pop music, you need to have good reasons for doing so, but you also need to make sure you don’t satirise yourself in the process. Since the release of their first album, “Breathe” (2018), Tayne have fulfilled both conditions with an idiosyncratic mixture of noise pop, shoegaze, and post-industrial sounds that conjure up a strangely solemn apocalyptic mood while also making you want to dance. Should we rage until the end or view the finale only as a transition to a new phase? Somehow, both options are the right choice. The EP “Coherent” (2021) introduced the world to the London trio’s genre-hopping and was quickly followed just a few months later by its successor, “Tense” (2021). Sharply calculated production values of the lushest quality, industrial soundscapes, and infectious singalong hooks have become Tayne’s signature. Meanwhile, the group confront the common tropes of pop music with paradoxical precision and counter them with an auditory catchiness that is as experimental as it is addictive. An act of rare balance.

Image: eivind hansen
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Currently looking for the following representation:
Booking:germany , eu , usa