©  Isabelle Offer
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Se­bas­ti­an Schub

Location PinTBA
Location PinTBA
Sit & Calm Down

How he managed to become one of the top picks at the prestigious 2023 Great Escape Festival with not much more than a few exquisite cover versions of well-known classics will probably forever remain Sebastian Schub’s little secret. The singer–songwriter made a name for himself a few years ago as a busker in England and Ireland. Videos of his spontaneous gigs in pedestrian zones have since been clicked on millions of times, and the unpretentious bard with the guitar has become a phenomenon who is said to have the live energy of Jeff Buckley and the charisma of Ben Howard. Schub marries Irish folk and American blues with his strikingly raspy voice to create a sound poetry that is as intimate as it is incredibly intense. He needs no amplifiers, no band, no equipment – just his voice and guitar. Despite this – or perhaps because of it – his performances are characterised by a palpable connection between artist and audience. Passion resonates here via strings and vocal cords, shooting directly into the ear and further into the soul. A must-listen for fans of minimalist songwriting.

Image: Isabelle Offer
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